Is it my curly hair that flutters below my waist
Is it my skirt that drags the pavement
Or my smooth uncovered face...

The curl in my hips that sway with each step
The way I cross my ankles when I sit

No cleavage you'll see
No fine jewels dangling from my ears

My voice is meek but my message is loud
My heart is tamed but my ambition is endless
Humble... I am humble

Does my tongue frighten you
Fear not, it is only the Lord moving through my soul
I am under the influence of the Holy Ghost... the Holy Ghost
Don't tell me this isn't real

"I once was lost... but now I'm found"
I once was lost... and in sin I was bound
But now I'm free
Don't tell me this isn't real

Don't tell me I have too many rules
Don't you dare take my sacrifice from me
Don't you take my worship from the Lord
My body belongs to Him, every curve, every step I take...

What is it about me you find so intriquing
What is it about me so different from you

Do you see that...
It's a reflection of my soul you see, when you look at me
So let me show you the God who resides in my heart...when you look at me

He shines through my eyes
He shines through the curl in my hips
He shines through my uncovered face
He shines through the glory I call my hair
He shines through my skirt that drags the pavement...

...And through my words, my smile, my love for you...

He shines through me.

I follow no man's rules.
I carry this cross because I follow Him.

Apostolic Woman, I am.

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